How To Donate

Our ability to issue grants to support Steam Locomotive Operation at various locations worldwide depends on our ability to raise funds. 100% of the funds we receive through these donations goes directly to fund these grants. The Steam Locomotive Operation Group, Inc is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) public charity and as such these donations qualify as charitable contributions.

We are currently raising funds for Grant 0323-1  Wolsztyn Experience.

On this page we provide several methods to send up funds.

Donations by sending us a Check

To ensure 100% of your funds get to us you can use your banks BillPay or send us a check to:

Steam Locomotive Operations Group, Inc.
Attn: Scott Cremer, Treasurer
736 Strawberry Hill Road
Concord MA 01742-5406

Please note: If there is a specific grant you want to ensure the funds go to simply let us know or write the information on your check in the comment field.

Credit Card Donations

If you wish to use a credit card you can donate Using PayPal Please note that PayPal will keep nearly 2% as a fee of whatever funds you donate through PayPal

Donations using Venmo

Donate using Venmo by using the following QR code. Please note that Venmo will keep nearly 2% as a fee of whatever funds you donate through Venmo.

Charitable Contributions

There are currently two ways that your donation may have tax advantages

1) If you are over 70 1/2 and have an IRA you can make a qualified charitable distribution from your IRA

2) If you Itemize your deductions on Schedule A your donation is Tax Deductible